Areas of expertise

Areas of expertise

Current-IT recognizes three areas of expertise on which innovation is built: Systems Engineering, Internet of Things and Data Analysis. Current-IT integrates and automates these areas, thus helping you to realize your Digital Twin.


System engineers know; developing complex multidisciplinary systems requires skills and craftsmanship! Especially when it comes to safety-critical systems. A good balance between speed, agility and quality is sometimes hard to find.


Requirement Management, Model Driven Development, Configuration Management, Asset Management, etc .; all these aspects play an important role in the success of your project.


Current-IT helps you to mature your Systems Engineering processes such that your innovations are in line with your business goals, that you have better control of your projects and you find the right balance between speed, agility and quality. The correct application of the V-model, the use of the proper engineering tools and the linkage of the various engineering artifacts, e.g. by means of OSLC, is of crucial importance.


We cannot ignore it, the Internet of Things is here to stay. Not because it is hype, but simply because the state of technology has brought us here: Standardization, ubiquitous connectivity, availability of standard components, required computing power, affordability, all these aspects contribute to fast realization of IoT solutions and the associated positive business case.


IoT is drastically changing many markets. The relationship with your customers, the quality of your products, the way in which you bring your products to the market, everything is now up for discussion. That is why companies can achieve important competitive advantages through smart application of IoT, but also fall behind if they ignore IoT.


Current-IT helps you making the right choices and defining and realizing your IoT projects.


Data Analysis, extracting useful information from large amounts of data, is a field that requires a lot of data analysis experience, but also knowledge of the problem domain, and perhaps a little bit of intuition. This requires teamwork of people from different backgrounds.


DA technologies such as statistical analysis, AI, machine learning and visual pattern recognition can be combined with domain knowledge to realize solutions like Predictive Maintenance, Digital Twin, Monitoring and Control, Anomaly Detection, etc.


Current-IT helps you to turn your available data into a valuable asset.

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